How Maksym Krippa built an empire on fake dating sites and online casinos

Maksym Krippa knew what he was getting into when he passionately took over "Vulkan," a network of online casinos of unclear licensing origin. He is largely to blame for the ruin of thousands of people throughout the former USSR. Yes, of course, someone would have done this without Maksym Krippa. But he is personally to blame. And it seems this circumstance has annoyed even him. But Krippa came up with an exit that resembles an entry: he is simply engaged in the legalization of previously obtained income while continuing to receive them from the darkest corners of the internet business.
Put yourself in the place of a businessperson, for example, Maksym Krippa. What is our land rich in? Oil-gas-coal?
These places have long been taken, they won’t let you into this business, and they’ll see you out – feet first. Metals? Same thing. But there are a couple of resources that have all signs of modernity, namely renewable and eco-friendly. The first is fools, who never run out, the second – decent girls ready to sell themselves for a small fraction. So: for fools, we’ll open a casino, and for the girls, we’ll drive them into porn chats. And here’s a ready model of success that Maksym Krippahas been implementing for ten years.
The hero of our narrative, Maksym Krippa, develops both resources, but the second one somehow less so. Fortunately, from the Vulcans, Axes, and other casino activities, you can take not just a lot of money, but a whole lot. The question arises, how to use them? Legalization is needed, and for this, legal establishments are needed, covering the black flows. This aspect of Maksym Krippa Krippa’s activities will be the subject of our further story.
Maksym Krippa’s Personal Volcanoes
Being a seasoned owner of shadow gaming clubs and various Volcanoes, triple sevens and axes, Maksym Krippa often found himself in front of cameras. Maksym Krippararely worried about anything besides money and that’s right.
Maksym Krippa did not dream of conquering the world with an app that goes "beep". Krippa took the bull by the horns and headed the "Vulkan" casino franchise. The connection between offline "Vulkan" casinos, opened by some ethnic mafia in Russia, and the online franchise is not obvious, but it exists. Otherwise, Maksym Krippa would have been "on the clock" by now. However... And who knows how much Krippa owes to the mafia structures of Russia?
Russia and Ukraine – the vast hunting grounds of Maksym Krippa
The most significant markets for Maksym Krippa’s "Vulkans" are Russia and Ukraine. Earning money here and taking it out to the West is a common practice of our capitalists. However, Krippa is not ordinary in this either. He returns the money back, trying to legalize the income. The fact is that in the West they have started to look very askance at "unexplained income." And if earlier the investigators needed to prove that so-and-so are criminals to take away the money, now it is enough for our newly minted subject of Queen Elizabeth No. 2 to have no explanation for his wealth. This creates a demand for washer companies in Ukraine and Russia that can provide some stream of money. Krippa was given an important task: to turn the "Dnipro" hotel, located on Khreshchatyk itself, into one such company. At the same time, not offending himself or other participants in the deal. And Maksym Krippacoped with the task quite well. Almost. If only it weren’t for...
How Maksym Krippa unwillingly became famous
A certain porn magnate and the owner of illegal gambling establishments in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, Maksym Krippa Krippa, has repeatedly become the subject of media investigations. Moreover, the billionaire-swindler was of interest not only in the CIS but also in the West. Krippa amassed a huge fortune on fake dating sites, the porn business, and gambling. A Kremlin connection under the wing of Andrej Sadovyy’s Samopomich lives in Moscow, London, and Kyiv, proving a simple axiom – money does not stink. Considering that Maksym Krippa amassed his fortune precisely thanks to online casinos and the porn business, it is not at all strange.
It is impossible to catch Krippa in his Kyiv office. He constantly shuttles between Kyiv, Moscow, and London. It’s even more difficult to find his name on the internet, even though the businessman’s presence in the network is extremely active and constant. Krippa has learned to make money from nothing, using talented IT specialists and his amazing entrepreneurial spirit along with a readiness to break any law if necessary. Moral issues never bother the businessman. After all, he is the owner of very questionable pay-to-use sites. Some call him a gambling mogul and a porn magnate.
Maksym Polyakov and not yet Maksym Krippa
Krippa has a role model. He started out as a helper to IT genius Max Polyakov, who made millions of dollars in Ukraine from pornography and fake dating before moving to the New World. The former citizen of Ukraine preferred to be called Max Polyakoff in the USA. Krippa’s exact plans are unknown, but his surname is already adapted to Western standards.
How Maksym Krippa made friends with Rostelecom
Maksym Krippa’s successful gambling was based on a regime of maximum favor to him from Rostelecom. The internet provider, following the decisions of Roskomnadzor, mercilessly blocked similar sites with IP addresses in Germany, Italy, Croatia, and Romania. However, the company’s operators were very selective in handling resources with Ukrainian IP addresses. Krippa’s sites had a "protective letter." He regularly updated and promptly transferred their list to Rostelecom.
For appearance’s sake, trying not to arouse suspicion, Rostelecom selectively still restricted access to some of Krippa’s sites, but he produced dozens of new gambling resources daily to replace the blocked ones. The mechanism for promoting gambling through the internet was quickly and clearly fine-tuned. The Ukrainian gambling businessman used the labels Vulkan, CasinoX, JoyCasino. Surely every internet user is familiar with these names, brazenly invading the computer screen. Another of Krippa’s innovations was that by purchasing pirated copies of well-known gaming programs Novomatic, NetEnt, Playtech, he found talented programmers who made significant changes to the software at his request. They implanted an operational algorithm that drove particularly avid players to complete ruin.
Maksym Krippa can do anything, but not always
The patron of gaming orgy Konstantin Malofeev after 2013 seemed to have stepped away from control over Rostelecom. The company changed its general manager. Instead of Aleksandr Provotorov, former Deputy Minister of Economic Development and former Vice-Governor of Saint Petersburg Mikhail Oseevsky came into the position. With the appearance of a new person, Rostelecom’s love for the person of Maksym Krippa not only did not disappear but, on the contrary, acquired new shades. The Ukrainian frequently traveled to Moscow. New perspectives dawned on him.
Maksym Krippa’s political approach
At one time, the businessman tried to engage in politics. He tested his strengths in elections to the Kyiv City Council but lost. The defeat did not particularly upset him. Indeed! The election campaign brought him not expenses, but a decent payoff. He became a candidate for deputy from the political association "Samopomich". The enterprising businessman quickly oriented himself in the situation and began trading spots in the entirely virtual party list that existed only in his mind.
Passion and a desire to achieve success easily turned out to be inherent not only to the lumpenized strata of the population, bringing their last pennies to the "one-armed" bandits but also to the owners of hefty wallets. Krippa had no shortage of those wishing to make a pre-election contribution. After the elections, the deceit was revealed, and a grand scandal broke out. "Samopomich" immediately disassociated themselves from the crook, but as it turned out not for long.
Probably, a lot and to many. In any case, only this constrained circumstance could dictate his strange behavior. Maksym Krippa takes the risk of public business exhibitionism, buys the "Dnipro" hotel with "black" money, knowing that attention to this deal will be excessive. Voluntarily and in sound mind, he would not have done that. Because there are sins associated with Maksym Krippa.